I can’t believe it’s been over a month since I have blogged!  This past month has been pretty crazy with more going on at work and prepping for my trip to India!  Yes…that’s right!  In one week, I will be on a plane heading to India with my family.  I’m VERY excited about this trip.  I have been to India four times in the past, but I’m really excited about this trip because I will be meeting a lot of my husband’s family and my brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and three beautiful nephews are coming as well!  I’ve never traveled to India with them before (I haven’t gone with my husband yet either), so it should be a lot of fun 🙂

How does this all play into my health plan?  Well…the past month’s activities have, unfortunately, cut into my personal journey towards better health.  I haven’t really lost any weight.  I probably gained a little bit, but that’s not even what I care that much about.  I kind of just lost sight of things because…well…life is hard to balance.  The changes I’ve had at work were great for my work life.  However, this came at a cost of not being able to go to The Dailey Method as much because I was now working during the classes I usually attended.  Since I have focused so much on those classes, I didn’t put much of an effort towards doing anything at home.  In terms of food, well…I have definitely tried to keep it up, but let’s just say that I had a lot of dessert at a wedding reception last night!  My will and Paleo decision-making has someone gone down the drain.  One reason I haven’t been beating myself up too much about it is because it will be impossible to live up to my Paleo lifestyle in India.  None of my relatives eat meat, and eating it going to be very central to the trip.  Let’s just say that family in India LOVE to feed you.  I’m going to enjoy this, however, I’m also going to make sure I feel satisfied rather than full.  I also didn’t want to do Paleo for the past few weeks and then totally shock my system when I’m in India when I will inevitably be eating a lot of grains and carbs.

Anywho…one thing this past month has taught me is that balance, while very important, is very hard!  That doesn’t mean I’m giving up though!  I have always said this is a journey.  My weight loss is not going to be perfect, life isn’t perfect.  The great thing about this is all the great lessons I learn about myself in the process.  I am trying to keep a positive outlook, because a positive MIND is what is going to help me with my healthy lifestyle.

In the next week before I head to India, I’m going to eat a “regular” diet with grains, carbs, etc.  I am still going to avoid processed food.  One question I’m going to ask myself is “Am I really hungry?”  I read a lot about this concept from the book Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program that Works by registered dietitians Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch.  This is a great book about our hunger signals.  I have noticed that my hunger signals can mean a few things:  I’m thirsty;  I’m bored;  I’m stressed; or I really am hungry.  I’m going to evaluate myself before making these decisions.  I am usually pretty satisfied throughout the day when I start my day by drinking 10 to 20 oz of water and continuing to drink water all day.  So, I think this will be the best way for me to eat this week and while I’m in India as well.

So, there ya have it!  I plan to post that Pre-Made Paleo review I promised a few months ago before I leave!  Sorry for slacking on that.

